Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanks a million!

Thanksgiving time has arrived! I love this holiday that allows me to take a break from my overly-hectic life and count my blessings. And boy do I have a lot to be thankful for. Although my daily life is super-stressful, I make sure to tell God what I am thankful for each day.

I am thankful for:

  • My relationship with Christ, through which I am continually blessed
  • My amazing husband, my best friend
  • Our beautiful son
  • Each and every family member who enrich our lives
  • The freedom so many lay down their lives for
  • The complexity of life
Without these blessings I would not be the woman I am today. And for that I am continually thankful.

I LOVE comments! Post a comment to tell me what you are thankful for this holiday season.


  1. We share so many of the same fabulous things to be thankful for! I think we're peas in a pod :) Anyway, just popping by to say happy Thanksgiving! Im thankful for your blog and sharing a little piece of your life this year! Thank you!


  2. Great post Harmony! I love Thanksgiving too.

    I am thankful for weekends with my husband and kiddo. They're so special now that my hubby is living in another state during the week.

    - Lauren

  3. Hello Harmony!

    Your blog is so cheerful - makes me smile!

    Come to my blog and enter my Target Gift Card giveaway please!

    - Lauren

  4. Harmony! Where'd you go?

    Wanted to wish you and yours a merry Christmas!

    - Lauren

    Ladaisi Blog
